Are you in your 30's or 40's? You are in the right place! Do you know cardiovascular disease is still the leading cause of death in Nigeria? Most of these death result from the complications such as heart attack and stroke. Aside from family history and age, other risk factors include high blood pressure, uncontrolled blood sugar, raised blood lipids, and being overweight/obese. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity and high blood pressure are putting younger adults at risk of heart disease earlier in life. Most people affected by heart diseases do not get diagnosed early which contributes to the complications of diseases.
Once you know your risk, heart disease is 80% preventable. Take a Heart Health Risk Assessment below
If your answer to most of the above questions is either yes or I don't know, it's time to take control of your heart health! Early nutrition care and lifestyle modification can reduce your risk of disease or complications by 70-80 percent and improve your blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels!
Click the link to Signup today!