
Are Artificial sweeteners better than Added Sugars?

Food Sweeteners are divided into nutritive (those that have carbs/sugars and give calories) and non-nutritive...

Olajumoke Osunsanya (RDN, MPH)

4 Signs of Metabolic Syndrome

Have you heard of the word ‘Metabolic Health’ before? Metabolic health means all nutrients are...

Ebenezer Miracle (RDN)

5 Checklists for a Sustainable Weight loss

So, you’ve decided to take charge of your weight and become a fitter version of...

Ebenezer Miracle (RDN)

How do you know the best diet for weight loss?

Get this free ebook to find out!

Why is it so Hard to Lose Weight? by Osunsanya Olajumoke RDN, MPH